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Jürgen Nendza
ONCE AGAIN spring walks across
the threshold: cherry blossom whose weight

overpowers in its transparency, its branching.
An airlift into the untouchable, which releases
things from their Isolation, as far

as the boat hire place, where talk continues, and you
again ask yourself

what kind of bridges are the twenty which
come into being when twenty men
walk over a bridge. There are pollen warnings now

every hour; it's spreading, the alliance
between allergy and description. Of course the weather

changes, every day new expanses
of light, projection and conversation. Take the jay,
for example, it flies

beyond comparisons, it shreds the air.


Zur deutschen Fassung   >>

The Chance of the Meadow. Aus dem Deutschen von Richard Martin

Jürgen Nendza   27.04.2007   


Jürgen Nendza